Choosing the right structure for your business is paramount to make it run in the most effective manner. Setting up a wrong structure and making changes down the line could incur significant costs and unwarranted stress to the business owners. We can assist you in setting up the right structure for your business right from the outset backed by a detailed explanation of the pros and cons of each. We also provide advise on restructuring of your business if you wish to change it.
We can assist you with the formation of
A Company
Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) and
other entities depending on your needs.
Please be advised that with the removal of accountants exemption from 1 July 2016, most accountants can no longer provide advise on the formation of an SMSF unless they are appropriately licensed to provide such advise. We can assist you get proper advise for setting up an SMSF through our partnered firm.
Please consult us to discuss your situation regarding the above matters.